HP invited us to the 2020 edition of its Innovation Summit, an annual event in which we look at the future of the technological world, and beyond, through some of the company's leading personalities. Usually these initiatives are carried out live, but this year, due to COVID-19, everything was done online.

Thanks to the interesting discussions "put on the plate" by the participants, including Enrique Lores, CEO of HP, and Ryan Patel, a collaborator of CNN , an interesting and dreamy look at what will happen in the next few years in the tech sector and in the world has been drawn. general.

The single individual at the center of everything

We live in complex times, which are creating problems for everyone. However, Enrique Lores, CEO of HP, provides another perspective: We must not look at the pandemic only as a problem, but also as an accelerator of innovation. Just think of how many people have begun to further approach digital tools directly from their own homes, from the school world to the workplace, where the term "smart working" has come overwhelmingly . Six months ago, people's mentality was very different: working in the office, relaxing at home.

Now, however, people have realized that they can carry out many activities directly from their personal PC, used, in this case, as a gateway to the school and working world.

We are facing a breaking point: once the pandemic is overcome, people's mentality will be different . For example, children will have to acquire some skills faster, in order to connect, for example, to school. We are facing a real change of direction, which goes beyond the technology sector, but which involves people's lives.

We no longer look at the office as a necessary place to work, but the latter becomes useful for networking and interacting with others. The individual no longer goes to work to carry out the classic daily activities, those he can do from home, but he goes there when he feels motivated to share his ideas and discuss them with others. It will then be up to the companies to make the project intriguing, but the key point is the increasing importance of the individual. Lores said that this could clearly also lead to some inconvenience, which is already being seen in recent months.

For example, there is the issue of sensitive data in the hands of individuals, who manage it from their home, making them potentially vulnerable to attacks. However, HP is already working on solutions from this point of view, in order to make the system safer for everyone.

What is clear is that the pandemic will have a major impact on the future and that in the coming years there will be many changes in the concept of work, both for workers and for companies. In fact, these will have to try to stay closer to the customer, also in terms of production, and at the same time aim to guarantee workers' rights and safety . This without completely entering the digital world, but keeping the latter balanced with physical experiences.

HP sells both computers, gateways to the digital world, and 3D printers, capable of transforming something digital into a real object. Lores said the company wants to maintain some sustainability in all fields, including the impact these changes will have on workers and society at large. The goal is to innovate by making people's lives better, carrying out their values and enabling them to do things that were previously unthinkable.


This is where 3D printing technology comes into play, where HP is at the forefront. During the pandemic, enormous efforts were made to provide doctors with what they needed using this technology. In addition, the company is focusing particularly on Microfluids, or the ability to handle small fluids, which could potentially lead to a revolution in that field. This is only one of the potentials of 3D printing, given that with its spread people will be able to build what they want at home and create new opportunities.

All this without going into the details of possibilities such as those related to dentistry, bioprinting (combining cells, growth factors and biomaterials)and cloning (making 3D figurines of people). There are already those who foresee that in the next 15 years there will be more changes than in the entire history of man.

For the moment, we are witnessing the birth of a new professional figure , the Empowered Employee, who makes continuous training and reskilling real strengths. An HP survey, carried out on 6000 employees, reveals that 47% of respondents are now more inclined to pursue a personal passion as a possible career opportunity, while half of the respondents said they spent an average, in Italy, of 633 euros to work better from home.

Furthermore, motivation is leading 43% of Italian respondents to dedicate themselves independently to reskilling and professional training through online courses, mainly related to IT / Tech support, leadership, team management, stress and well-being, language enhancement. foreign and digital literacy. In short, we are facing a technological and cultural revolution, also considering that 99% of the interviewees already now believe that digital manufacturing can contribute to economic growth. All that remains is to conduct this revolution in a healthy way.

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